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Online Catalogue | Services offered by Simon & Sue

Services offered by Simon & Sue

Online Catalogue | Services offered by Simon & Sue

Personal Essence Mixes

In this section you can order:
- a specific mix/combination for yourself or a client
- request that we assess a personal combination for you to help with a specific issue

Astrology Consultations

Payment for Astrology Consultations with Sue Lilly

Spiritual Pathway (Astrology)
Life direction (Astrology)
Health or Spiritual Crisis (Astrology)

By phone, Messenger, Zoom

Nutrition Advice and Essence Consultations

Nutrition Advice and Essence consultations

Sue holds an ITEC Diploma In Nutrition and is an Advanced Practitioner Member and tutor for the British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association

Payment for Nutrition and Essence consutations with Sue Lilly:

By phone, Zoom


Sue Lilly offers 1-2-1, face-to-face and Zoom tutoring for any subject she teaches.

Arrangement can also be made for small groups.

Astrology - general and specific (part-days, 1 or more days)
Making Flower Essences (1 module)
Plant Spirit Healing (1 module)
Colour Healing/Therapy practicals & theory - can lead to a diploma (by Module)
Holistic Tarot (by Module)
Nutrition - leading to diploma qualification or for interest (by Module)
MCS Flower Essence Practitioner Diploma (by Module)
ICGT Precision Crystal Therapy training - leading to qualification at foundation, certificate and diploma levels (by Module)
Crystal Therapy topics to suit individual requirements

Counselling, Mentoring & Supervision

Payments for Cpounselling, Mentoring and Consultancy Sessions

(Sue holds a Diploma in Creative and Clinical Supervision and registered Consultant for the British Astrological and Psychic Society (BAPS) in Astrology, Intuitive Cards and Colour).

This can be also used to anyone studying CiLCA (Certificate in Local Council Administration).

By phone, Zoom or SKYPE

Personal Talismans

Personal Talismans especially designed and made for your particular needs and goals.

Personal talismans begin at £25.00 but will vary in price depending on how much work is required.

Special Payments

Special Payments

Online Catalogue | Services offered by Simon & Sue

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