Online Catalogue | Services offered by Simon & Sue | Astrology Consultations
With Sue Lilly:General QueriesHealth Guidance Spiritual crisis management1 hour by Zoom, SKYPE or phone(Sue holds a Diploma in Creative and Clinical Supervision and is a registered Consultant for the British Astrological and Psychic Society (BAPS))Times and terms are agreed before starting, please email: info@mcscourses.co.ukSessions are conducted by phon,e Messenger, Zoom or Skype Date, time and place of birth will be needed by Sue for her to draw up your natal astrology chart.
Payment for looking at a single, specific issue on an astrological chart - up to 30 minutes chat time or phone response.(Sue holds a Diploma in Creative and Clinical Supervision and is a registered Consultant for the British Astrological and Psychic Society (BAPS))Times and terms are agreed before starting, please email: info@mcscourses.co.ukSessions are conducted by phone, Zoom or Skype Date, time and place of birth will be needed by Sue for her to draw up your natal astrology chart.
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