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Online Catalogue | Services offered by Simon & Sue |  Personal Talismans

Personal Talismans

Online Catalogue | Services offered by Simon & Sue |  Personal Talismans

Personal Talismans

Personal Talismans

Price: £25.00 / $31.25


Personal Talismans especially designed and made for your particular needs and goals.

Personal talismans begin at £25.00 but will vary in price depending on how much work is required.

Shape, wood and runes are all determined for maximum effect. The time-frame best suited to carry out this work can also be variable, so it is best to let us know well in advance if you know you need the talisman for a specific time.

Please email us with your requirements

If you would like a personal talisman made:
- we ask for a small lock of hair or
- a sample signature or
- date, place and time of birth (if you have it)

as well as information on the area you wish to address.

This allows us to tune the work precisely and uniquely to your energies, helping to encourage latent potential and to remove obstructions to your goals.

Online Catalogue | Services offered by Simon & Sue |  Personal Talismans

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