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Online Catalogue | Books |  Simon's Poetry

Simon's Poetry

Online Catalogue | Books |  Simon's Poetry

now then

now then

Price: £12.00 / $15.00


Collected poems 2023

ISBN 978905454747 2024 Tree Seer Publications

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'raven is poet'

'raven is poet'

Price: £15.00 / $18.75


A collection of Poems written in 2022

'hard rain'

'hard rain'

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


'hard rain'
A book of landscapes and seasons, rooted in Welsh bardic tradition and mysticism

Tree Seer Publications 2022 ISBN 978-1-905454-68-6

'a fall of kings'

'a fall of kings'

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


Collected Poems of 2020

Tree Seer Publications 2017 ISBN 978-1-905454-63-1

'green rock, black root'

'green rock, black root'

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


Collected Poems of 2019

Tree Seer Publications 2017 ISBN 978-1-905454-61-7

Dhrupad - a year song

Dhrupad - a year song

Price: £50.00 / $62.50


Dhrupad: a year song

A limited edition book of original poetry and art.

Created, designed, produced by me. Not available elsewhere.

A collection of poems and images that reflect the changing seasons and landscapes in Wales.

Written over about a year and a half, these related pieces have been collected together and presented with art work that complements the atmosphere of the words.

The title comes from the name of an ancient form of Indian Classical music that originated in temples.
Themselves deriving from the hypnotic repetitions of the Same Veda hymns, dhrupad is a meditative style of singing and playing that relishes a slow and sonorous development of themes, using repetition and variation to build the mood of each composition.

My poems took the flavour of these techniques to explore the qualities of different landscapes and seasons.
I have arranged the poems on the page so that the reader, (or reciter), can take time to savour the sound and meaning of the phrases used.
They can be read silently, but the sound qualities and musicality becomes more apparent when read out loud.

Although the book follows pretty much to the order of the seasons, a page can be dipped in to at random, reading just what the eyes happen to settle on.
Speed and style is very much up the the reader. Punctuation is kept to a minimum, and this allows for a difference of meaning and interpretation.
This ambiguity, the fleeting image not quite put in a firm context, is analogous to viewing elements of a landscape as it passes by on a journey.

An exploration of the way the senses interact with thought, and how thought develops into other thought, and how these patterns interweave.

Tree Seer Publications 2017 ISBN 978-1-905454-58-7

'this sullen, holy soil'

'this sullen, holy soil'

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


'this sullen holy soil' collected poems of 2018

Tree Seer Publications 2017 ISBN 978-1-905454-51-8

Bleak Hill

Bleak Hill

Price: £40.00 / $50.00


Bleak Hill - improvisations on Llym Awel

"Llym Awel" is one of the oldest works of poetry written in the British Isles. It is found in "The Black Book of Carmarthen" - a small, hand-written manuscript compiles by one person some time in the 13th century. "The Black Book" is a collection of much earlier writings in the Welsh language that were considered important to the bardic and heroic traditions of the Brituish Kingdoms in what is now Wales, Northern England and Southern Scotland.
The verse sequence, now known as "Llym Awel", is an evocation of a desolate winter landscape seen through the eyes and thoughts of an enigmatic, unknown narrator.

"Bleak Hill" is an extended exploration of some of these verses. It begins by looking at the terse, ambiguous, yet sinewy and strong original texts.
This then develops into variations and improvisations in a poetic attempt to eveal some of the deeper levels of imagery and meaning.
The stark and repetitive, hypnotic quality of the language is complemented by powerful black and white drawings especially created by me to reflect the landscape of Wales glimpsed through the ever-changing harsh wether of its winter months.

I have written, drawn, designed and produced this book myself to hopefully widen the appreciation of the old Welsh traditions of the bards, and to produce a work of art worthy of our ancestors. It is a labour of love that has taken more than four years to complete.

Tree Seer Publications 2017 ISBN 978-1-905454-50-1

'Dipped in Cloud'

'Dipped in Cloud'

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


Collected Poems 2017

Tree Seer Publications 2017 ISBN 978-1-905454-47-1

'Scribble River'

'Scribble River'

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


Collected Poems of 2015

Tree Seer Publications 2017 ISBN 978-1-905454-41-9

'subject as object' - collected poems 2014 (part 1)

'subject as object' - collected poems 2014 (part 1)

Price: £7.99 / $9.99


Fed by observations of the landscapes of Devon and Wales, this collection of over seventy new poems moves between the magical and the metaphysical, between the ancestral past, the radiant now and the uncertain future. With original illustrations.

Tree Seer Publications 2015 ISBN 978-1-905454-35-8

'on the ridge road' - collected poems 2014 (part 2)

'on the ridge road' - collected poems 2014 (part 2)

Price: £7.99 / $9.99


Over fifty new poems infused with the landscape of mid-Wales, particularly the Irfon valley, where the author lives and works. There is a strong emphasis on the changing seasons, on the passage of time and on the unfolding of the mysterious within the ordinary.

Tree Seer Publications 2015 ISBN 978-1-905454-34-1

'a wandering mind' (SB)

'a wandering mind' (SB)

Price: £12.95 / $16.19


A collection of poems and related writings from January to December 2013. Haiku, nature and landscape meditations, metaphysical ramblings. A whole year wandering through the seasons, inner and outer.

'on longer tides' (SB)

'on longer tides' (SB)

Price: £9.95 / $12.44


A collection of ten longer writings on landscape,journeying and being, presented with eleven original artworks.

Simon H Lilly

April 2014 ISBN 9781905454297 Tree Seer Publications

'Moonlight Through Glass' (SB)

'Moonlight Through Glass' (SB)

Price: £7.99 / $9.99


by Simon H Lilly
A collection of over one hundred poems, some long, some short. Poems of landscape, of time and the seasons. Poems of mind, exploring the nature of reality, consciousness and metaphysics. Flocks of thoughts watched from a quiet distance. Reminiscent, sometimes, of Wang Wei, Basho, the Lacnunga, Havamal, Sorley MacLean.
(HB available on request)

January 2014
ISBN: 9781905454242
Published by Tree Seer Publications

The Sunlight Sutras (PB)

The Sunlight Sutras (PB)

Price: £12.99 / $16.24


'plant spirit talking'
A book of aphorisms, contemplations, messages, divinations. A meditation on living and being, an oracle for when clarity is desired. A quiet place for the mind to float amongst the green lives of plants

Black/white and grey-scale images and words.

2013 ISBN 9781905454211 (Tree Seer Publications)

Online Catalogue | Books |  Simon's Poetry

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