Protection and Cleansing Energy Cards
Online Catalogue | Energy Tools, Energy Cards, Protection | Protection and Cleansing Energy Cards
6 designs linked to the Green Man Protection and Space-Clearing Sprays
Laminated 8cms x 6 cms
Place in a pocket, purse or bag and keep close to benefit from the energy signatures. This can aslo be used as a healing tool and in for distant healing work.
Place a clear glass container at the centre of the pattern and leave for at least on hour, preferably in sunlight, for the water to pick up the energy signatures.
Use the water within 48 hours or preserve (with alcohol or similar) for future use.
These can also be used as space-clearing symbols |
6 designs linked to the Green Man Protection and Space-Clearing Sprays
Laminated A5 size - 15cms x 21 cms
Place a clear glass container at the centre of the pattern and leave for at least on hour, preferably in sunlight, for the water to pick up the energy signatures.
Use the water within 48 hours or preserve (with alcohol or similar) for future use.
This card can also be used as a healing tool, a space clearing symbol and for distant healing work. |
Online Catalogue | Energy Tools, Energy Cards, Protection | Protection and Cleansing Energy Cards