Online Catalogue | Simon's Fine Print Gallery | Night of Transcendent Knowledge
Bagala Mukhi Bagala, is the eighth mahavidya, the eighth object of transcendent knowledge. The Powerful One whose knowledge provides security, harmony, courage and invincibility. Night of Courage
Bhairavi The sixth mahavidya. Destroyer of obstacles that create fear. Fearful goddess shining like a thousand newly risen suns. Night of Death. Power of Destruction
BhuvaneshvariQueen of Queens, Lady of Spheres, Power and Knowledge.Brings the virtue of harmony with creation, manifestation, welfare, well-being.
Chinnamasta: The Beheaded, Power of the Thunderbolt, Dance of Existence.Brings the virtue of sustenance, life-supporting behaviour, generosity, intuition, will, vision.
Dhumavati The seventh mahavidya, The Smoky One, The Restless One. Primal state before conscious energy. Night of Frustration. Understanding leads to the non-dual state, total awareness
Guheshwari A Nepalese goddess of the Yoni, especially concerned with sexual initiation and the mysteries of womanhood. The seventh mahavidya, The Smoky One, The Restless One
Kali The first mahavidya, Night of Eternity. She is naked, "clad only in space". Power of Time. She is primordial infinite joy and eternal peace.
Kamla Laksmi, the lotus girl, Power of Wealth. The tenth mahavidya. Embodiment of all that is desirable who bestows the fertile waters of peace and properity.
A Nepalese aspect of the goddess adorned with bow and arrow, she bestows passion, love and lust - the force of creation.
Matangi: Elephant Power, Power of Domination, Sapphire-Blue.Brings the virtue of the rule of peace, eloquence, creativity, music, harmony
Red Tara A lesser-known aspect of the most popular Himalayan goddess, equating with Kurukulla, the Flower Bow Dakini.
Shodashi: Girl of Sixteen, Young Sun, Perfection.Brings the virtue of inspiration, beauty, grace, perception, completion.
Tara Second mahavidya, The Star, Remover of fear and Revealer of the Way. Guardian of the Nectar of Immortality. First light, desire to exist. Power of Hunger.
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