Online Catalogue | LillyPad Greeting Cards | Mahavidya Collection - Greeting Cards
Bagala MukhiEnergies of victory, self-confidence, independence and invincibility.
Bhairavi Energies of courage, completence and spiritual growth
BhuvaneshvariEnergies of harmony with creation, manifestation, welfare, well-being.
Chinnamasta: Energies of sustenance, life-supporting behaviour, generosity, intuition, will, vision.
Dhumavati Energies of clarity, equanimity and acceptance
GuheshwariEnergies of initiation, secrets of womanhood
KaliEnergies of transformation, end to fears
Kamla Energies of peace, openness, progress, wealth, kindness
KurukullaEnergies of dynamic action, enthusiasm
Lord of the Forest Dakshinamurti', Lord of the Forest Energies of awareness, attentiveness, clarity, balance, wisdom
Matangi: Energies of peace, elequence, creativity, music, harmony
Red TaraEnergies of passionate engagement with life
Shodashi Energies of inspiration, beauty, grace, perception, completion
TaraEnergies of protection from harm, guidance, achievement of goals, creative expression
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