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Online Catalogue | Courses: Mandala C.S. & Institute of Crystal & Gem Therapists | MCS Colour Therapy Diploma

MCS Colour Therapy Diploma

Online Catalogue | Courses: Mandala C.S. & Institute of Crystal & Gem Therapists | MCS Colour Therapy Diploma

MCS Colour Therapy Practitioner Diploma

MCS Colour Therapy Practitioner Diploma

Price: £60.00 / $75.00


MCS accepts evidence of most therapist qualifications. Some qualifications will also exempt you from some modules or parts of modules (*) - please enquire

Payment for Registration and Module A

A. History of Colour Therapy , traditional use of colour, Colour wheels, Colour Mixing

B. Colour in Everyday Life, colour in the environment
C. Chakras and Subtle Bodies, cultural and historical ideas *
D. Colour Correspondences, developing multi-level correspondences of colours
E. Assessment Techniques, reflective techniques, personal energy integrity
F. 5-Elements and Visualisations, meridians, light, colour through colour-torches *
G. Colour Tools: Essences, Shape, Pattern, Sound
H. Modern Medicine and Colour, Mandalas, Light and the Body, Light in Modern Medicine
I. Self-Healing, Colour and the Breath, Case Histories
J. General Science, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Qualities of Light, Distant Healing
K. Health & Safety
L. Customer Care

The Registration fee is £25, module A is £35
Modules B-J cost £30 each.

Tutored sessions are available to help cover the practical skills.

For more information, visit the MCS website

MCS Colour Therapy Diploma Modules B-L

MCS Colour Therapy Diploma Modules B-L

Price: £30.00 / $37.50


Payment for your next Healing with Colour Module.

Please confirm which Module (B-l) in the information with your payment

MCS Colour Therapy Diploma Module M Anatomy & Physiology - Level 2 by email as a PDF

MCS Colour Therapy Diploma Module M Anatomy & Physiology - Level 2 by email as a PDF

Price: £55.00 / $68.75


Anatomy & Physiology level 2 (OCN/NVQ level 2)
This is set at a level equivalent to 35 hours tutor-led hours, with a written assessment.
This is compliant with guidelines from:
The Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations (ACHO)
The British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association (BFVEA)
The International Association for Colour (IAC), International Wheel of Colour

(Cost includes assessment and separate certification)

The course comes as a PDF manual (sent by email).

You work at your own pace and submit the written assessments in your own time, by email.

The course is written by Essential Training Solutions

For more information, visit the MCS website

Colour Therapy Session 1- SKYPE Session

Colour Therapy Session 1- SKYPE Session

Price: £60.00 / $75.00


'Colour Therapy Techniques that can be blended into other complementary skills'

Sessions can be used in addition to any Module

e.g Looking at choosing as a way of assessing someone or a situation.

1 hour

Online Catalogue | Courses: Mandala C.S. & Institute of Crystal & Gem Therapists | MCS Colour Therapy Diploma

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