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Online Catalogue | Essences | Gem Essences

Gem Essences

Online Catalogue | Essences | Gem Essences

Self-Selection of Single Gem Essence - 10mls

Self-Selection of Single Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


Please choose from the list here for essences not listed separately (just too many!) and indicate your choice on your order information or send us an email stating which single essence(s) you want:

Abalone, Aegirine, Agate, Albite, Amazonite, Amber, Ametrine, Amethyst, Ammonite, Angelite, Apache Tears, Apatite, Apophyllite, Aquamarine, Aragonite, Aventurine (Blue), Aventurine (Green), Azestulite, Azurite, Azurite/Malachite, Basalt, Bloodstone, Blue Lace Agate, Brazilianite, Bronzite, Calcite (Blue, Green, Orange, Honey, Clear, Red) , Carnelian, Celestite, Chalcedony, Chalcopyrite, Charoite, Chiastolite, Chrysoberyl, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Coral, Danburite, Desert Rose, Diopside, Dioptase, Dravite, Dumortierite, Emerald, Epidote, Flint, Fluorite, Fulgerite, Galena (Lead Sulphide) Garnet, Green Zoisite, Halite, Hawk's Eye, Heliodor, Hematite, Hemimorphite, Herkimer Diamond, Hiddenite, Jade, Jaspers (various), Jet, Ilvaite, Iolite, Kunzite, Kyanite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Lemurian seed, Lepidolite, Limonite, Lodestone, Magnetite, Malachite, Mangano-calcite, Meteorite, Milky Quartz, Moldavite, Mookaite, Moonstone, Morganite, Moss Agate, Nephrite, Obsidian (Mahogany, Rainbow, Black), Onyx, Opal (Andean, Cherry, Fire, Jelly), Pearl, Peridot, Petalite, Phenacite, Pietersite, Prehnite, Petrified Wood, Pink sugilite, Purpurite, Pyrite, Clear Quartz, Rhodocrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Rutilated Quartz, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Seraphinite, Serpentine, Shattuckite, Smithsonite, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite, Spectrolite, Sphene, Strawberry Quartz, Sugilite, Tektite, Thulite, Tiger's Eye, Topaz (Blue, Clear), Topaz (Golden), Tourmalated Quartz, Tree Agate, Tugtupite, Turquoise (Tibetan and American), Ulexite, Unakite, Yellow Calcite, Yellow Sapphire, Zincite, Zircon, Zoisite

Shield 2 Essence - 10mls

Shield 2 Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


A combination of gem essences to help to create an emotional shield.

Tried and tested in situations covered by the psychological pattern 'Karpman Drama Triangle' or 'The Deadly Drama Triangle' ths combination helps to gain insight into the never-ending emotional games played in all sorts of situations.

Insight helps to stop the game of role-reversals and drama and bring a more balanced perspective on relationships of all sorts.

Green Zoisite, Rhodocrosite, Sugilite

Shield 1 Essence - 10mls

Shield 1 Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


A combination of Green Man and Sovereignty essences to help to deal with invasive environmental energies - both man-made and naturally occurring.

Energy signatures of:

Quartz Buckyball
Preseli Bluestone
Mandala 14
Linear Water
The Merlin

Quartz 'buckyball' Gem Essence

Quartz 'buckyball' Gem Essence

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


10mls gem essence

The "Bucky Ball" design comes from the "32 tetrahedron" in manuscripts of 15th century astronomy and physics genius Leonardo Da Vinci.

The "Bucky Ball" used for this essence is high quality quartz crystal that has been especially cut in Japan. The accuracy of the cut is also very high and requires a lot of skill to get the desired shape.

The "Bucky Ball" has 32 facets which brings in the numerology of the numbers 3 and 2 (32), the number 5 (3+2) and the numbers 4 and 8 (4x8) to bear on the quartz crystal energy.

This energy is ideal for focusing intention, initiating projects and making new starts.
Works well with Shungite, which gently grounds and integrates efforts.

Shungite Gem Essence - 10mls

Shungite Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


10mls gem essence

Shungite is estimated to be about 2 billion years old.

It is found only in the area of Russia near Lake Onega in the Shunga region of Karelia.

The most important mineral present in shungite is 'fullerene' or Carbon 60 mixed within a silica lattice.

It is an amorphous variety of carbon/graphite that looks like a cross between coal and jet.

People have found it to be excellent for use as protection against electromagnetic pollution and for effective in healing many conditions by activating the Solar Plexus and Root Chakras

Copper Gem Essence - 10mls

Copper Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


1. Supports all levels of life-force, releasing what is no loger useful. Disperses subtle pollutions, protective, grounding

Covellite Gem Essence - 10mls

Covellite Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


2. This stunning blue and silver-coloured stone creates deep fast flows of energy to bring peace. Very protective, stabilise and aligns subtle bodies and chakras.

Dark Opal Gem Essence - 10mls

Dark Opal Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


3. Eases congestion in the 2nd chakra and creates easy flow of energy through chakras 1-3. Works well with feminine energy during times of stress, bringing issues to the surface to be looked at witrh a calm and detached mind.

Diamond Gem Essence - 10mls

Diamond Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


4. All-round healer, amplifies energies of all things it touches. Clears energetic debris from the aura, chakras and meridians, realigns upper chakras

Eudialite Gem Essence - 10mls

Eudialite Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


5. Grounding and anchoring strong emotions to create security and feelings of safety and strength. Gently warming and energising, opening the heart to explore the world from a position of inner harmony.

Gold Gem Essence - 10mls

Gold Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


6. Powerful, all-level healer, activates, integrates and stabilises energy. Eases left/right imbalances throughout the whole system.

Meteorite Gem Essence - 10mls

Meteorite Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


7. Expansion of consciousness in a safe, grounded environment. Clarity in the brow chakra aiding perception and clear envisioning. Subtle bodies brought into alignment.

Preseli Bluestone Gem Essence - 10mls

Preseli Bluestone Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


8. Easy flow of energy bringing a clearer sense of Self, opening to wisdom, works with old health patterns where they have blocked personal expression, quietens emotions, sharpens perception, anchors spiritual activity into the Now in a practical way
Our bluestone comes from Preseli Bluestones Limited.
English Heritage and Pembrokeshire County Council have both confirmed that 'Preseli Bluestones Limited' has the legal right to quarry the bluestone from just outside the national park, in a nature-protected area. There have also been tests to show that the bluestone from there is the same composition as some of the central bluestones (dolerite) at Stonehenge.

Scapolite (Violet) Gem Essence - 10mls

Scapolite (Violet) Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


9. The high frequency energy of this violet coloured Scapolite is ideal for those wanting clarity with fine levels of communication. Shifts stagnant energy and blocks to reaching full personal potential.

Silver Gem Essence - 10mls

Silver Gem Essence - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


10. Silver is works on fine levels of communication, thinking and perception. Linked to lunar energies, it helps to balance male/female polarity in behaviour at all levels of being. Enhances all functions of the 2nd, 3rd and crown chakras.

Preseli Bower - 10mls

Preseli Bower - 10mls

Price: £10.00 / $12.50


This has the addition of seasonal flowers: violet (flower and leaf), celandine, red dead nettle, stitchwort, daisy -
General focus: easy flow of energy to anchor into the here and now, energising.
Physically: enhances body defences by shifting blocks.
Emotionally: activates self-issues (self-love, tolerance etc) to bring peace, calmness.
Mentally: focuses perceptive skills to see truth and wisdom that is hidden.
Spiritually: brings Higher Self through in balanced service to others

Our bluestone comes from Preseli Bluestones Limited.
English Heritage and Pembrokeshire County Council have both confirmed that 'Preseli Bluestones Limited' has the legal right to quarry the bluestone from just outside the national park, in a nature-protected area. There have also been tests to show that the bluestone from there is the same composition as some of the central bluestones (dolerite) at Stonehenge.

Online Catalogue | Essences | Gem Essences

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